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惡劣天氣及颱風上課安排/Special Arrangements for bad weather and typhoon


Special Arrangements for bad weather and typhoon:
When Typhoon Signal No. 1 or No. 3 is hoisted, or other bad weather warning is forecasted, all courses/examinations will be held as usual. Courses/examinations will be cancelled when Typhoon Signal No. 8 is hoisted 2 hours before courses/examinations commencement time. In such cases, there will be supplementary arrangements separately. If Candidate does not attend any supplementary classes/examinations due to whatever reason, no additional arrangements will be made, and he/she will be considered absent. When the Typhoon Signal No. 8 is replaced by lower warning signals or cancelled 2 hours before courses/examinations commencement time, all events will resume as usual. (DSEJ Summer Program courses will be subject to guideline of the Bureau.)
