Macau Red Cross operates a fleet of ambulances
equipped with medical facilities and managed by a team of trained
first aid personnel. We provide day-time shuttle service between
medical institutions and the residences of the patients who maintain
on oxygen inhaling system; patients confined to beds and those
who are physically handicapped and with mobility difficulties.
¡@Target Group
This service is offered to patients
who depend on wheelchair and/or stretchers.
It also serves patients who depend
on life-support devices (i.e. oxygen, etc.).
The ambulance transfer service accepts
appointments to shuttle patients to and from medical institutions.
Patients confined to bed or with
chronic diseases and depending on oxygen inhaling system.
Patients depending on mobility
assisted equipments, such as wheelchair and/or stretchers.
Patient's residence has no elevator
service, and/or it does not reach the floor on which the patient
is residing.
Patient's residence is located
at the hillside and far from public transportation (taking normally
at least 15 minutes' walk).
¡@How to Apply
First-time applicants please call our
office (Tel.: 2896 3176) at least 5 working days in advance.
¡@Service Hours
Monday to Friday: 08:30 - 18:00
¡@Reservation Hours
Monday to Friday: 09:00 - 13:00 &
14:30 - 18:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 12:00
(Closed on Sundays and public holidays)
Note: Regular users should call
2896-3176 for reservations, two working days in advance.
Users must follow our instructions while
using our service.
Users have to stay in their seats with fastened
seatbelts while riding on the bus.¡@
Users should keep the compartment clean,
and smoking is strictly prohibited.¡@Ask for sick bags if
spitting or vomiting is needed.
When there is a storm warning during the
day of service, users will be informed for alternative arrangements.
Users should measure their body temperatures
before boarding our bus.¡@Anyone who has a temperature of
38 degrees centigrade or above should inform us immediately,
so that alternative arrangement could be made.
For unexpected events that users need to
cancel our service, they should contact us at their earliest
When users are told to stay in hospitals
or in view of other reasons preventing them from returning
home on the same day, they should inform us no later than
At the end of each month, users' families
should make reservations for consultation appointments for
the following month.¡@¡@
Normally, users' families should receive
confirmation for the transfer time one day in advance.¡@Users
should contact us one hour before consultation if they do
not hear from us.
We will make periodic
assessments on all users for continuation of our service.¡@Users
are expected to provide us with their current status when
¡@In Case of Typhoon
¡@& Rainstorm Warnings
When red and black rainstorm
warnings are in force, service will be
normal, subject to local traffic conditions._
Users will be contacted once the service is suspended.
signal No.3 and below: Normal service.
Typhoon signal
No.8 and above: Service suspended.
signal No.8 lowered: Users will be notified.
When an official announcement
is made that Typhoon signal No.8 would be hoisted within the next
2 hours, users will be transferred home or to the embarking point
as soon as possible.
After an official announcement
is made that Typhoon signal No.8 would be hoisted within the next
2 hours, those users not willing to go home earlier should arrange
their own transportation._ In such
case, our Medical Transfer Service team will not be responsible
for taking them home from the medical institutions.