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To gather all the power of love, publicize the Red Cross Movement and promote the spirits of humanitarian.

Concern to the vulnerable groups, devotion to social services and enhancement of the image of Macau Red Cross.


- 澳門紅十字會會員
- 澳門紅十字會義工
- 澳門紅十字會青少年團團員
- 曾向本會捐輸的商號、機構及個人
- 本會服務使用者(如愛心護送使用者等)

Macau residents of all ages are welcome to apply. The following individuals and organizations will automatically become Friends of Macau Red Cross:

- Members of Macau Red Cross.
- Macau Red Cross volunteers.
- Macau Red Cross Youth Uniformed Group members.
- Companies, organizations and individuals who have made donations to Macau Red Cross.
- Macau Red Cross services users (i.e. users of non-emergency medical transfer, etc).


- 獲發個人會友證或團體證書
- 可收取免費刊物或電子通訊
- 特價購買精美紀念品
- 參加講座及活動
- 透過課程及培訓,優先成為青少年制服團隊隊員或義工
- 參觀本會援建項目
- 其他

- Membership cards will be issued to individual members and certificates to the companies and organizations.
- Free publications and E-Newsletters.
- Special price for souvenirs.
- Invitation to seminars and activities.
- Will have priority to join our Youth Uniformed Group and Groups of Volunteers after receiving special training.
- May join site visits to Macau Red Cross relief projects.
- Others

Please complete the application form and submit it in person of via e-mail/facsimile or by post, together with a copy of your ID card.